Website Security

I provide backups, security scans, malware removal and user management services for WordPress websites.
What i do

Security and recovery for WordPress websites

Like with your phone or laptop, if you don't update the software regularly then known security flaws will exist and could be exploited by hackers. That's why carrying out WordPress and plugin updates is so important, as they will patch those vulnerabilities. Whether a simple or a complex WordPress website, steps should be taken to ensure it's fully protected.

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Backup systems

If your website was hacked, taken down or infected with malware, no doubt you'd want to restore a recent backup in order to get everything back up and running without losing too much data. This is why I recommend that automatic local backups are made daily as well as periodically on a remote storage facility. So if the whole server was taken down, including local backups, you have a final backup to call upon from another location.

Data retention

Another thing to think about is the data which is stored on your website. If you lost the personal data of your users, customers or visitors, you'd could be at risk of GDPR ramifications let alone the repetitional damage it could cause to your brand. A lot of website owners don't realise that when their contact form is submitted, that data is usually being logged somewhere and should be dealt with in a responsible way. I can help to identify and cover over any potential sources of retained data.

Website users

When people leave the company and they still have a login for your website, worst still, administrator permissions - they'd have the power to make changes to or take down what some consider to be the most important shop front of the business. I can help to secure users with 2-factor-authentication, as well as remove users when they leave the organisation and create a security process for staff to follow.

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